U-this/U-that designer

toby said 'lacan' and I immediately hit the vape

something very fucked up about watching marie kondo so fragilely and gracefully express gratitude to a tank top that says SQUAD GOALS

julia, 21 yo: I think everyone I like isn't single
me: it's only going to get worse when you're older

My phone corrected crush to virus and for once that’s an accurate mistake like YES having a crush IS like a having a goddamn virus

All The Guys At The Mitski Show Look Like Men I’ve Dated Before

teen vague

Spend all ur VC $ on the best branding agency u can buy and still come out with the same logo and aesthetic everyone else has

Read the words “post-thanksgiving” and thought it was going to be some pseudo-intellectual hot take on prevailing structures of American imperialism but it was about food coma

Moonmoons are petpets for moons

panic! at the discourse

When u type “hehe” and the autofill options are “hehehehehehehe” and “hegemony”

Pro/con list of grad school:
Pro: never have to take the L train
Con: taking all kinds of other Ls

In bed with a fever reading articles on kavanaughs confirmation is the literal manifestation of the phrase “burning in hell”

lmao the venn diagram of people who applaud the ‘grievance studies’ hoax and people who support kavanaugh is a perfect circle

Mood: eating cereal really loudly in crit to prove to myself that I am, indeed, awake

show me a school to industry pipeline that doesn't result in disillusionment

Women are constantly required to find new ways to survive

Your mcm wears a future is female shirt to the club

Someone asked me why I’m never in studio late at night and I didn’t know how to say that after 10PM my brain thinks Graphic Design is stupid

hot take of the day: aesthetics-based (as opposed to utility-based) visual production is the most meaningless and inconsequential activity to engage in and build an identity over

dont @ me about it

used microsoft office for the first time in years and am shook that the save icon is still a floppy disk

I love him unironically" — the bravest thing you can say in 2018

Straight white men” was about as subversive as pink notebooks that say FEMINISM in gold lettering

it shouldve been called to all the white boys i love

thanks to a 5 year old instagram influencer who got all her school supplies from amazon I am now buying all my school supplies on amazon
In order to get student discounts without my ID I show people emails asking me to fill out immunization compliance forms. So far has worked everywhere except dollar slice
Sext: you are so multifaceted
Mood: wearing sunglasses inside the casino so no one can tell I’m asleep
Ben: my doctor told me I have low blood pressure
Me: omg what does that mean
Ben: it just means that I’m super chill
My autocorrect changed linkin park to LinkedIn today is cancelled
PSA 'the subtle art of not giving a f*ck' is the worst book ever written